23 Aug 2010

"The Devil's Star" - starring Harry Hole

Have you met Harry Hole? He is a Norwegian crime investigator with alcohol problems, commitment issues and a seriously dry sense of humour. He is also the key figure in "The Devil's Star" by Jo Nesbo.
The book is set in Norway where Harry works as a criminal investigator in the homicide department of Oslo police force. He is suffering after the murder of his colleague Ellen, a murder that he blames on his other colleague Tom. This suspicion has become the driving force in Harry's life and has cost him his girlfriend, his sobriety and now it looks like it will cost him his job as well.
However, then Oslo is horrified by the brutal murder of a young women - the killer has cut off a finger and left a starshaped diamond. And when another young woman disappears Harry's immense investigation talent is needed to find the killer before he takes more lives.
Normally I don't read crime fiction but for Harry I make an exception. He is a fascinating man and I enjoy every moment spend trying to catch the bad guys with him. His dry sense of humour, he contempt for authorities and his ability to get into trouble makes him very good company.
"The Devil's Star" has been my first read in The Scandinavian Reading Challenge" and if you haven't met Harry yet, I suggest you look up Norwegian author Jo Nesbo at your local library.

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